Masked Up by Ngima Thogo

Africans have always had a special, and in fact, spiritual, relationship with masks. They have been known to give ordinary men supernatural powers by channeling the spirits of gods and deities. Many of the masks are in the image of animals, enabling whoever is wearing them with the spirits and enhanced attributes of those animals, which in turn, helps them commune better with gods and unearthly ancestors.

Kenyan artist, Ngima Thogo, explores these ethereal concepts associated with masks. He does an amazing job combining such historical beliefs as masks with modernism as expressed by the men and women who have been so adorned. These subjects are clearly contemporary, living with modern ideals. But they also wear and get strength from these animal-like masks as they go about their daily lives.

See some of our favourite pieces from the African artist below.

Find out more about Ngima Togo’s work from his website.