Peter Uka's Pieces of Nigeria

Simply put, Nigerian artist, Peter Uka, paints pictures of home. His paintings give off a documentary feel, almost as if we are flies on the walls of local Nigerians, watching as they go about their daily lives. We watch with envy over their sense of easy community and communion, whether it’s eating together in their humble homes or ‘gisting’ in the barber shop.

Uka lives and works in Germany, far from home, so we can’t help but be even more impressed about how he has managed to take pieces of Nigerian life with him to consistently showcase to the world.

We are drawn in by the vivid colours that makes each candid scene so alive! His art also reminds us of traditional local barbershop art, but on a grander and more refined scale. Given that his father is also a local artist who was the go-to sign maker, we’re not surprised that some of this heritage features in his work.

Let us know what you think about his works below.

See more from Peter Uka here