Beautiful Distortions by Lunga Ntila

South African artist, Lunga Ntila, immediately makes us ponder once we catch a glimpse of her photographs. Her unique portraits are glaringly distorted. There is an immediate sense of dissonance that we feel the subject is going through. But then we wonder…is this dissonance or adaptation? Is this a loss of self or a revelation of the many beautiful and complicated facets of identity?

Each portrait is done in stark blacks and whites, like it is a celebration of Blackness and of being African. But the distortions are also a celebration of the different experiences we each have - even the ones that seem to break us, but especially the ones that put us back together, whole but now more complicated.

See some of our favourite pieces from the African artist below.

Find out more about Lunga’s artwork on her Instagram. Plus, she’s published! You can buy her book here.